ASK THE BOSS - Episode 19
Time Stamp:
21:57 - Would you do a sample pack for greens?
23:20 - Would you do a sample pack for greens?
23:40 - Good hormone test supplement for
natural Bodybuilding?
26:17 - Flavors of core pump?
26:37 - I think Bird should do video input of
27:21 - How was the drive to and from Ohio and
were there any stories not shared on the
30:01 - What core and ‘merica product disappointed
you the most after launching?
32:42 - Favorite Body part to train?
33:33 - What happened to seth feroce connection
to Brands?
34:13 - What is more important, meal timing or
training quality?
34:52 - Would someone on TRT benefit from any test
products or any core products in general?
35:49 - Should you cycle core hard year around?
36:24 - Can we get mens crewnecks?
37:17 - Any tips on food / diet plateau?
37:40 - How long do you ride with PWO as your carbs
drop...what is your alternative?
39:24 - Does 3rd party testing show potential
virus contamination?
41:05 - Will clarity effect prescription meds?
41:28 - Can you pretty much figure out my macors?
42:57 - Peak x is getting replaced!
43:45 - Best way to improve Blood glucose levels?
44:53 - When you finish 2020 what would you like to
sat core did extremely well?
48:00 - Top 3 gym equipment Brands?
50:35 - How many drafts of the core logo did you
go through Before picking it?
51:10 - How important are omegas during prep?
52:48 - What is the meaty Mt. Rushmore of
57:10 - Thoughts on Elliott Atwell scandal?
57:25 - When does ZZZ come Back?
57:39 - Do you think the Olympia will Be Bigger this
year due to Arnold shutting down?
58:01 - If you had to pick another sport
to excel in Beside BodyBuilding, what would
it Be?
1:00:49 - How did you come about using pregnenolone?
1:01:18 - Are you guys on track for retirement?
1:03:12 - How do you decide Bringing in smaller
Brands into the nut corners?
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