ASK THE BOSS - Episode 21
Time Stamp:
17:37 - You didn’t show us the green’s nutrition
25:02 - Have you heard of anyone breaking out
because of creatine?
27:39 - How big are your arms flexed?
27:51 - What is the best product for
libido boost?
29:02 - What products stack well with liberty
35:08 - Can you take bolic 24/7?
35:32 - Core apparel?
36:45 - Why don’t the supplements exist in Sweden?
37:26 - Did you watch ozark III yet?
37:53 - Do you guys have a multi specific to women?
38:23 - Release date for stabilize?
40:02 - Top 5 meals on the road?
40:51 - ARN athletes ever?
41:16 - What do you think of Chemix supp company?
42:01 - What is your most missed gym exercise
due to quarantine?
42:38 - What is your favorite in home exercise?
43:19 - First flavor of new core pro to try?
43:47 - Lowest carb and highest cardio?
45:47 - What is the benefit of the crush it tier
48:16 - biggest lesson you learned through the
51:52 - Coffee creamer flavor?
53:19 - Did you find all your home gym equipment
at full price or discounted?
55:30 - Would you let lebron james be on the
core team?
55:49 - What is your dream car?
56:35 - Advice for training with minimal equipment?
57:37 - Does pre-exhaust training only apply to
leg day?
1:01:07 - What kind of mindset do you train
1:01:21 - Are you still working on the protein bar?
1:01:28 - I have $200 to spend...what do you
recommend? Weight loss for female.
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