ASK THE BOSS - Episode 23
Time Stamp:
24:14 - Miss that vaso-6 from peak x!
29:31 - Guys have any hoodies?
30:36 - You guys ship to the U.k?
30:48 - Biggest tip for young bodybuilder
& trying to start your own business?
31:22 - Why is Dick Short for Richard?
35:08 - what do you think of Alphaland project?
37:59 - Do you enjoy cooking or prepping food?
40:32 - Will you take the home gym with you if you
ever decide to move?
42:56 - How come the Nutrition Corners Don’t
Sell C4?
42:56 - How come the Nutrition Corners Don’t
Sell C4?
43:39 - Will Core Zone be in capsule or powder
43:36 - any plans to make core stickers?
44:05 - Core Grow better meal replacement
then MRP?
44:53 - when will the new pump be dropped?
45:27 - Are there any natural ingredients that
are good for reducing pain
and inflammation?
46:21 - Are you still doing your Active Release
therapy at the moment?
46:34 - Would you rather drive a bike, ride a
horse, or drive a car?
47:04 - If you can get 1 leg machine to buy for your
home gym what would it be & why?
47:22 - Any updates on NutCorner expansion to
Blacksburg, VA?
48:20 - what is your thought on nootropics?
48:56 - Have you watched any anime?
49:12 - Doug have you been to the U.K?
49:38 - What is the last book you read?
51:10 - Who built your home gym or did you buy
everything individually?
51:29 - Have you ever heard of, come across,
or met the Scottish bodybuilder David k?
51:55 - Transformation contest or nah?
52:18 - What will happen to the Olympia?
52:28 - How often do you train core?
53:50 - Doug needs a pop culture lesson?
55:51 - How come ask the boss went from sitting to
56:55 - Best core pro sludge combo ever?
57:12 - Will you ever compete again Doug?
58:14 - Go to seasoning for meat?
59:23 - What video games did you grow up on?
1:02:01 - Cardio for people with bad knees?
1:02:24 - Favorite flavor of any of your products?
1:03:27 - How do you balance so many launches in
2020 and what goes on BTS?
1:05:57 - what is up with
1:07:45 - Advice for someone with only
Light dumbells and bands?
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