ASK THE BOSS - Episode 27
Time Stamp:
15:38 - How big do the mens sizes go up to?
16:08 - Where can I buy ‘Merica Energy?
21:47 - what is Doug getting meat for his bday?
27:11 - Olympia this year?
27:21 - How many times a day do you recommend
taking Core Greens?
27:31 - Will there be a promo with ISO launch
and T-Shirt?
29:10 - Any more ZZZ with Phenibut?
29:54 - Do you add extra vitamin E to your stack?
30:57 - Who or what is your biggest motivator in
your life?
32:08 - How did you feal when you saw that first
big revenue amount come in?
35:09 - How did you and kenton meet and what
is Julian Smith’s Dynamic in the brands?
36:49 - Deal on Iso Launch?
37:21 - ETA on products?
38:18 - What is more important BCAA or PRE/PUMP
39:39 - Anything you would do differently running
your businesses looking back?
40:28 - Do you think Fat Jimmy will ever be Skinny
40:46 - Please bring out a protein bar that blows
No-bliners Outright Bar out of the water!
42:29 - what products are the hardest to
formulate and sample?
43:48 - Can bird spread his wings and fly up to
Canada to get the boss Status episodes
44:14 - If you could morph into anything what
would it be?
45:08 - Have you ever tried a 3d energy meat?
46:32 - Memorable lesson you ever learned from
your parents?
51:08 - Dream machine in crush it colosseum?
52:00 - when you all moving down to NC?
52:12 - How do I get my small gym to carry your
53:08 - What commodities does meat want to see
core sell?
56:53 - Pierce your nipples first or tattoo?
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