ASK THE BOSS - Episode 5
14:38 - Do you guys take ibuprofen? If so how much and when?Benefits?
16:47 - Is there a daily limit of healthy sugar even if IFYM?
17:34 - On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate dropsets?
18:09 - If you can take 1 supplement for the rest of time what would it be and why?
18:59 - Should I take creatine everyday even though I won’t be able to workout a few days?
19:42 - Core Test vs. Core Hard powder
20:38 - Will there be guests for ASK THE BOSS?
21:11 - Are all the products Gluten Free?
21:54 - How many orders were placed Black Friday to Cyber Monday?
23:09 - Are there any self improvement books you have read that you recommend?
25:08 - What are your sources of Motivation?
26:08 - Do you think your Genetics play a role in how you are In Terms of work ethic?
27:51 - Where can I buy ‘Merica Energy in Store?
29:45 - How to stay lean on vacation and what Cardio to do when you get back?
31:28 - Why don’t Preworkouts come in tablet or capsule form?
31:13 - New ARN flavors and products at the Nut Corners?
33:34 - If you want to cut do you just want to drop the calories to a deficit?
34:35 - How long have you been working out?
35:17 - Would you consider making an egg white Protein powder?
38:01 - What bodybuilder was your inspiration as a young natty bodybuilder?
39:47 - Would you recommend Core Hard or Core Burn First for a Weight loss Supplement?
40:13 - Dude what is your all time favorite car?
43:47 - Having all your brands how do you decide what supplements to take to train on?
47:03 - Any update on Core Greens?
47:37 - Best excercise for quads sweep?
48:46 - How much pizza do you eat?
49:49 - what is the first thing you did when you woke up today?
50:33 - Thoughts on how frequently you need to train arms for best hypertrophy?
50:52 - Favorite activity for cardio?
51:28 - Are you the 3rd party reviewer for Brandon’s Transformation?
51:50 - What is your favorite preworkout from your companies if you had to choose one?
52:53 - Are you macro conscious or calorie conscious?
53:12 - If you had to restart the brands today what would be the 1 product you built each company around?
53:42 - Thoughts on Chester Yorton?
54:40 - Before bed routine?
56:47 - Thoughts on higher frequencies better for Nattys taking into consideration the elevated protein synthesis, how important is it?
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