ASK THE BOSS - Episode 52
35:24 When will you do another video of supps/vitamins that you take?
37:24 How do you decide how much to pay yourself?
39:04 Could someone on medication for low thyroid benefit from using Poise?
39:54 Meat sweats or CUC farts?
41:12 Tips for increasing mind to muscle connection with the back?
42:48 Will ‘Merica get a multi or joint supplement?
44:03 Is Marc Lowbliner more into Outright Bars that he’s neglected MTS?
44:34 Possibility of selling Halostachine as a commodity?
45:22 What would be the worst buy one get one free sale of all time?
50:14 What is your favorite prep moment and your favorite stage moment?
51:14 When taking Stabilize, do you also take Core Load?
51:52 What’s your go-to cuisine?
55:11 What is cissus and how does it work?
56:32 At what point do too many ingredients in a product - like a pre-workout - start having diminishing returns?
58:18 Has anyone of you ever contemplated making an OnlyFans?
59:22 If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?
1:04:12 What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?