ASK THE BOSS - Episode 56
20:45 When you're training, does your sequence matter for how you train your body parts?
25:25 Should you always start with compound movements or should you start with isolation, or mix it up?
26:58 Are you going to compete again?
27:02 What if more than one person guessed the correct flavor of Fury?
28:37 What happens if the winner of the mystery flavor contest cannot attend The Arnold?
29:38 Dogs or Cats?
30:40 What are the best 3 supplements to have in stock during prep?
31:33 Was there ever an issue with your significant other about competing?
34:54 Would Full Metal Jacket be more beneficial pre-workout or post?
36:05 When on a cut trying to lose fast, is FMJ something I should take?
37:36 Do you measure your arms?
38:01 Would Stabilize or Liberty Balls be better to use with Full Metal Jacket and Bolic?
39:18 Is 'Merica Labz getting rebranded for the whole line?
46:30 Beef Stix - Would you consider making a chicken, turkey, or ostrich stick for people who don't eat beef?
47:22 ETA on Intra?
47:27 Best anabolics stack for offseason?
48:37 Core Pro Chocolate Mocha in a 5lb tub?
49:26 Do you think people in the bodybuilding world industry tend to lean right politically, and why?
1:05:54 Is taking FMJ and Core Pump together too much Betaine Nitrate?
1:06:40 What are your Christmas traditions?