ASK THE BOSS - Episode 60
18:57 When is the best time to take Test and Hard?
19:57 What can we do to carry ARN products?
22:15 Will there ever be a DC Nutrition Corners?
22:44 Can you take Load after a high carb meal and still have the same effects as a pre-carb meal?
27:50 Updating to more bioavailable forms in Core Multi?
30:55 Why don't you carry NutraBio in your stores?
34:32 Can I stack Core Burn, Test, and Hard, or is that too much KSM-66?
35:07 What's the best way to attack macro breakdown on your rest week without weight training?
36:29 What flavors of Core Balls are coming soon?
38:55 Should I eat a little when taking Burn (pill form) to prevent nausea during fasted cardio?
40:20 Do you guys plan on coming out with something for liver and kidney?
44:24 How would you describe Crystal Cosmo ABC flavor?
45:49 Why is the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid in Alpha different?
46:23 ARN Foundation in a 5lb tub?
46:33 What's your favorite pre and post workout meal?
48:04 Coconut Cream Pie Core Pro for summer?
48:43 How much research do you like to see supporting an ingredient before you use it in a product?
49:17 Hydramax commodity?
49:19 Would you add DMAA to your pre-workouts if it was legal again?
49:41 Do you feel your age?
51:58 Can Core drop a version of cream of rice?
56:52 If you created a new ingredient, what would it do and what would it be called?
58:54 What is your favorite piece of gym equipment you have picked so far?
1:00:54 What does Core ISO Peanut Butter Toffee taste like?
1:01:44 With so many FDA regulations, do you think it's actually hurting the supplement industry?
1:03:21 Once the HQ is in North Carolina, will The Nutrition Corners come this way as well?