ASK THE BOSS - Episode 63
13:17 When are the chocolate balls going to be launched?
13:59 How much of a calorie surplus per week or month do you recommend for gaining the most muscle possible without getting overly fat?
17:44 With all your brands and products, do you still look at ABC and Fury as your flagship, staple products?
18:35 What are the best post-training supplements you have?
19:08 Any plans for a heavier push into Canada?
19:55 What is the easiest way to cut fat in a healthy way for any matches?
21:21 What are the Core stack deals for the transformation challenge?
22:32 Are you looking to bring Core Balls to Australia?
23:36 Can we see Core in Korea/Japan like 'Merica Labz?
30:04 Pros and cons of Liberty Ballz vs. Core Test - why would you recommend one over the other?
31:00 When do you think expos are happening again?
31:56 Is red meat actually that bad for you in high amounts over an extended period of time, and if so, why?
33:34 Is there a benefit to taking Core Test when your test levels are already within average range?
34:58 Is there any evidence showing that caffeine makes you catabolic?
36:59 On your sets of 20, are you always progressively increasing your weight?
39:52 Is there a Core Multi restock?
40:24 Will the grape flavor return for 'Merica Energy?
41:24 Doug, do you want to buy a firearm when you move to NC?
42:01 Do you have any advice for plantar fasciitis?
44:04 How long can a person use Liberty Ballz?
46:41 Will Victory be back in the new 'Merica Energy rebrand?
47:14 Are you going to bring the 5LB tub of Core Pro to the UK?
47:39 How many dates until it is acceptable to poop at your girl's or guy's house?
49:13 What is the most important thing you have learned being in the business?
51:14 What flavor of Core Intra - Strawberry Burst or Orange Dream - and will this push me through my workout, specifically on back and leg day, and when is it coming back in stock?
51:24 Any new flavors of 'Merica Labz coming to the UK?
52:13 Always tired and lathargic - recovery takes longer these days. Any tips?
53:17 Is a GDA Berberine a good addition?
53:50 I heard eating walnuts or almonds during a workout can be beneficial. Is there truth to this theory?
54:43 Can you take a full dose of Core Fury and Core Pump?
55:05 Is there a minimum for free shipping to Canada or a flat rate?
55:44 Which body part do you like to train?
56:55 Any other new Pro flavors coming out this year?
57:08 When is the reveal of the Ball flavors?
57:48 Thoughts on The Rock coming out with his own energy drink?