ASK THE BOSS - Episode 65
4:23 Can you do one scoop of ISO and one scoop of POST after a workout?
15:58 Rep ranges for arms?
17:16 Have you ever been to Exile Gym?
18:58 Any new flavors of Core Balls?
22:24 Will you be restocking the black Core hoodie?
23:41 Robocop vs. Boba Fett from Star Wars - who wins?
24:01 Any must-go-to gyms in the U.S. for us guys from the U.K.?
25:13 How would you find the good right amount of sets for different muscle groups per week?
27:27 Is going to failure every set as a natty a bad idea?
28:12 Did you attend any shows in the U.K. as a guest in 2011?
29:17 Do people just take sodium before going on stag or also pump products like Citrulline?
29:43 If you train a muscle group twice a week and do chest for 16 sets while most are failure two times a week, is that too much?
30:28 I've never competed and just wondering how do you get a good, full pump? What is common practice?
31:44 How much isolation work do you do for traps in your training, i.e. upright rows, shrugs?
33:21 Best protocol to dry-bone as a natural for a show and not retain any water?
34:18 Do you think bro splits are better for natural people or better for enhanced?
35:22 Are amino acids actually beneficial?
36:06 How many rest days a week?
36:21 If you could only pick one exercise for each body part, what would it be?
39:13 Is Sucralose dangerous?
39:47 Favorite post-workout meal?
40:17 Is it okay to take a pre-workout and creatine at 16?
41:11 Do we make any products without artificial sweeteners and colors?
42:11 Do you shower before and after you train?
42:32 Would you rather go vegan or keto?
43:07 Is it efficacious to keep a test booster base in on a cutting stack?
43:47 Do you notice weight gains/water retention on Core Test/Big Papa?
44:36 How much volume and intensity when you had sex?
45:10 Stretching for body parts you are training - pre-workout, between sets, or post-workout?
46:46 Industry trends for 2021?
50:51 How far out from a show should I cut out the Big Mama Stack, or should I take it all the way up to the show?
51:16 Know of any good online resources to prep myself for a physique show?
52:23 If you could have the physique of any Mr. Olympia, who would it be?
53:40 Acceptable cheating body English?
55:04 How to be come a Core affiliate athlete?
55:35 Any collab with MassiveJoe's in the future?
58:44 Boneless or Bone-in wings?
59:09 Guac or salsa?
59:27 Potato skins or nachos?
59:39 Fried pickles or french fries?
59:57 Pizza or chili?
1:00:06 Spinach artichoke dip or buffalo chicken?
1:01:45 Is taking a stim pre-workout every time training bad? What should I do?
1:03:14 What is the clinical dose of Citrulline?
1:03:27 What would be your one favorite pump ingredient if you could only pick one?