Episode 68

Published on:

26th Feb 2021

ASK THE BOSS - Episode 68


17:32 What do you think about Nitrosigine and some people say it's better than L-Citrulline?

18:14 How long were your preps when you were still competing?

18:39 Is it okay to take caffeine and creatine together?

18:57 How big are your biceps?

20:03 I'm 10 days out from my men's physique show. I'm a natural. How do I approach these last 10 days?

20:39 Bulking as a natural bodybuilder, please explain what split to do in nutrition. As a guy who is 170lbs lean, how do I go to 200lbs lean?

21:31 How far out of a workout should I take Sear?

21:56 How do you feel about your hard-earned money going towards other countries' problems?

23:04 Have you gone to The Shop Ashburn?

23:41 Favorite natural organization show promoters in terms of how well the shows are run and judged?

24:49 Using Big Papa, Load, Sear, Burn, and Napalm. Should I add anything else in?

25:30 How should I take Big Papa stack if my first meal isn't until 1PM and training time is at 6PM?

26:55 Would you rather double scoop Core Fury or Core Pump?

27:10 Does missing a meal affect fat loss negatively?

27:53 What Core athlete are you most excited about?

32:06 Remember when you bought bitcoin at $11K and said, "That's the last time I take investment advice from a millennial?"

33:14 Would you consider selling 'Merica Energy in military installations?

34:14 Can you please tell me which manufacturers

produce your supplements?

35:50 When should we use casein, egg white protein, milk protein, etc.?

38:10 Any advice for cutting for a natural bodybuilder, or tips for the natty?

39:15 Do you recommend bulking for natural bodybuilding or just maintenance?

41:13 Did you always want to have boys, or did part of you want to have a girl?

43:45 Would you prefer to get your fats through meat instead of using leaner meat and adding fats to it?

45:28 Starting a food preparation business. What advice can you give me?

47:09 Tips for getting over the mindset of "getting fat" in order to bulk or put on muscle?

49:45 Do you warm up before doing chest workouts?

50:05 How would you take Sear, Shred, and Burn?

51:47 What are your thoughts on L-Carnitine? Waste of money or good supplement?

52:09 If you had the credentials to resale products, would a mobile supplement stand on a military base something where I would be an ambassador of Core or would it just be a buy as a resale?

53:45 What is your preferred body fat percentage for maintenance and what body fat percentage would you say is a good time to diet down?

54:35 Are you planning to do a Core meal service in the future?

55:03 Did POV do work for Core/'Merica before?

55:31 Why are fats so important for natural bodybuilders when it comes to hormones?

57:03 Where is the strangest place you've urinated/defecated?

1:00:35 What's your favorite Sour Strips flavor?

1:01:13 If you could switch lives with anyone, who would it be?

1:01:36 Name one body part you wish you could trade with another person?

1:03:13 Weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

1:03:47 What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet?

1:05:25 Are you afraid of sharks, snakes, or being late for dinner?

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About the Podcast

Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe
Real questions and real answers from a CEO, owner, founder, and one of the best natural bodybuilders of all time!
Doug Miller is one of the best natural bodybuilders of all time. He has been training for over 20 years and from the start he soon realized that there was a lot of junk supplements in the market so he decided to create his own to make sure he knew what he was taking and the quality! Fast forward he now owns 4 supplement brands, numerous supplement stores, called The Nutrition Corners, and still continues to Crush It in the gym daily!

With that being said, this podcast dives into real questions from fans, supporters, and just curious people on the internet that want to get an insight into Doug's and his co-star Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe's brain. These questions range from specific brand and business questions to general health and fitness questions and can go all the way into personal family questions. The range of topic varies greatly but one thing is for certain it is informative, funny, and even you can participate weekly by following Doug on social media as well as all his brands, specifically Core Nutritionals, and submit your own questions!

Thanks for listening, subscribing, and sharing!

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Aaron Bunn