ASK THE BOSS - Episode 70
8:54 When taking Stabilize, do you suggest taking it after the meal or before the meal? If before the meal, how long before?
9:17 Can you stack Core Test with Arms Race Stabilize?
19:29 What's next on the rare equipment list?
21:56 Is there any advice on how to train with a mild scoliosis and some imbalances?
22:53 What's your opinion on trainers gaining weight to lose weight with their clients?
23:45 Any new flavors of MRP?
23:58 Have you ever eaten a haggis?
26:36 Are you still doing bitcoin?
28:19 Core products are able to stack together. Is 'Merica the same?
29:54 How much time do you spend researching new products or trying to make a product even better?
31:20 Who is worse for our youth - Meaty and Doug, or dr. Seuss?
31:34 If South Park created a character based on Meat or Doug, whose character would be funnier?
33:25 Have you a coach now?
34:47 Should you take FMJ on leg day?
35:26 Will Core MRP XL be MRP times 3?
38:00 How many sets/exercises per muscle group do you do when doing the bro split?
39:04 On Training Tuesday, you write lots of sets. Are those only hard sets or acclimation too?
39:38 So your current training split is...?
47:34 Starting as a beginner and wanting to get huge arms, how would you begin?
48:02 Can we get some new Nutrition Corners apparel on the website?
48:15 When will Pineapple Strawberry Shred be back in stock?
48:31 How has having a female presence in your companies helped your businesses?
50:20 Your arms are inspiring. How much do you think is genetic vs. training?
53:01 Why do high volume deadlifts instead of progressing in strength?
53:27 During diet, would you cut proteins, carbs, or fats first?
53:53 How do you progress on 10 sets of 10?
54:45 Preference for Burn or Shred?