Episode 74

Published on:

11th Apr 2021

ASK THE BOSS - Episode 74


22:29 What is carb dumping?

23:26 Does free shipping apply for orders shipped to APO addresses?

24:20 Can we preorder the Baby Yoda shirts?

25:13 Is the new ZZZ formula okay for every night use - why or why not?

26:48 How good could I look if I did GH, test, tren, and D-bal?

27:11 What do you use Cissus for?

28:21 Hydration electrolyte product?

29:38 Best nutrition advice at 8 weeks out - men's physique show?

31:02 Any reason why someone's face would get red facial flushing after eating?

32:25 Do you think it would be hard to start from nothing at this point in time?

33:39 Is it fair to say that you got into the supp game at a perfect time?

34:12 How much fat in grams per pound of body weight do you typically eat?

35:57 Do you believe you have to hit muscles two times per week?

36:34 Is 'Merica Labz accepting ambassador requests?

37:56 Fasted cardio - best supplements to use to prevent muscle loss during cardio?

38:44 Fat burners worth it if tracking macros and weight daily to make sure in caloric deficit?

39:46 Is doing lighter weight with higher reps recommended for toning?

41:46 Would you guys consider making a clear whey ISO protein for lighter for hydration fruit-type instead of gourmet-types?

42:51 When you move to Statesville, how will that affect deliveries to the stores?

44:02 With running, weightlifting, cutting, and life stress, do you think Glutamine will help?

44:53 Would you rather poo every hour or pee every 10 minutes?

46:21 How long have you been doing large volume training?

47:21 How much was the AFS leg press?

49:33 Which drug-tested organization would you recommend for your first time competition?

51:32 Ever nap before a workout?

52:12 What does your running consist of?

53:11 Suggestions for a pre (no pump), electrolytes, and recovery supps?

53:37 Favorite movie or TV series of all time?

54:34 Will you guys ever develop a standalone electrolyte formula?

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About the Podcast

Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe
Real questions and real answers from a CEO, owner, founder, and one of the best natural bodybuilders of all time!
Doug Miller is one of the best natural bodybuilders of all time. He has been training for over 20 years and from the start he soon realized that there was a lot of junk supplements in the market so he decided to create his own to make sure he knew what he was taking and the quality! Fast forward he now owns 4 supplement brands, numerous supplement stores, called The Nutrition Corners, and still continues to Crush It in the gym daily!

With that being said, this podcast dives into real questions from fans, supporters, and just curious people on the internet that want to get an insight into Doug's and his co-star Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe's brain. These questions range from specific brand and business questions to general health and fitness questions and can go all the way into personal family questions. The range of topic varies greatly but one thing is for certain it is informative, funny, and even you can participate weekly by following Doug on social media as well as all his brands, specifically Core Nutritionals, and submit your own questions!

Thanks for listening, subscribing, and sharing!

About your host

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Aaron Bunn