ASK THE BOSS - Episode 74
22:29 What is carb dumping?
23:26 Does free shipping apply for orders shipped to APO addresses?
24:20 Can we preorder the Baby Yoda shirts?
25:13 Is the new ZZZ formula okay for every night use - why or why not?
26:48 How good could I look if I did GH, test, tren, and D-bal?
27:11 What do you use Cissus for?
28:21 Hydration electrolyte product?
29:38 Best nutrition advice at 8 weeks out - men's physique show?
31:02 Any reason why someone's face would get red facial flushing after eating?
32:25 Do you think it would be hard to start from nothing at this point in time?
33:39 Is it fair to say that you got into the supp game at a perfect time?
34:12 How much fat in grams per pound of body weight do you typically eat?
35:57 Do you believe you have to hit muscles two times per week?
36:34 Is 'Merica Labz accepting ambassador requests?
37:56 Fasted cardio - best supplements to use to prevent muscle loss during cardio?
38:44 Fat burners worth it if tracking macros and weight daily to make sure in caloric deficit?
39:46 Is doing lighter weight with higher reps recommended for toning?
41:46 Would you guys consider making a clear whey ISO protein for lighter for hydration fruit-type instead of gourmet-types?
42:51 When you move to Statesville, how will that affect deliveries to the stores?
44:02 With running, weightlifting, cutting, and life stress, do you think Glutamine will help?
44:53 Would you rather poo every hour or pee every 10 minutes?
46:21 How long have you been doing large volume training?
47:21 How much was the AFS leg press?
49:33 Which drug-tested organization would you recommend for your first time competition?
51:32 Ever nap before a workout?
52:12 What does your running consist of?
53:11 Suggestions for a pre (no pump), electrolytes, and recovery supps?
53:37 Favorite movie or TV series of all time?
54:34 Will you guys ever develop a standalone electrolyte formula?