ASK THE BOSS - Episode 78
27:07 How can you reach 5% without unbalancing your hormones?
27:37 Do you have freakish bicep genetics or just a crazy bicep routine?
31:55 Any new updates on the ball reformulation?
32:44 Did you get more Doge?
48:06 Prime ROT8 handles or Mag Handles?
49:01 How do you feel about slow negatives throughout your entire workout?
49:24 Can you do an updated video on what supplements you're taking?
51:15 Do you give arms their own day or train them chest/tris, back/bis?
51:42 Any thoughts on doing pre-packaged protein cartons or pre-workout bottles?
54:44 Where is pregnenolone derived from in a supplement form?
55:07 Is celery anabolic?
55:21 How do you train legs two times per week?
55:36 When will XL shakers and wrist wraps be back in stock?
57:06 Favorite foods for contest prep?
57:29 Exercise suggestions for outer quad sweep hypertrophy?
58:10 ETA on Elevation Isolate?
58:23 When will you bring back 'Merican Made?
58:39 Other business opportunities you're excited about for 2021?
1:01:53 Can you double the dose of Core Load for pre and post-workout?
1:02:35 Which platform did you buy Safemoon on?