ASK THE BOSS - Episode 9
Time Stamp:
.48 - What are we drinking?
11:57 - Are the Protein Sources changing
in the new Core Pro?
14:48 - How was your Xmas?
19:01 - Feeling more left side of my back ove r
right side during Deads, what should I do
to fix my imbalances?
21:33 - What are your 2020 goals?
24:55 - What is your first/best childhood
memory of fitness?
27:36 - ISO or PWO after your workout?
28:40 - Does running 7 companies even feel
like work?
30:00 - What font is used in the Crush IT
30:12 - Favorite retro supplement...
not Core Nutritionals?
31:25 - Rope or V-Bar for tricep pushdown?
31:56 - Who will win the Arnold?
33:46 - For someone who is going to compete in
their first show, what one do
you recommend?
34:51 - Could the flavor system of ABC work
as a stand alone product to flavor
37:07 - what is your opinion on Gear?
Have you taken it? Thought of?
39:43 - How often do you do high rep deads?
43:50 - What is the most difficult part of owning
a supplement company that we don’t see?
46:09 - Why is the energy drink market getting
so saturated...The Rock coming out with
his own? Big margins?
53:15 - I am 140lbs after 7 years of training...
I am doomed in genetics!
54:29 - Are you coming back to the Arnold
Australia this year?
54:39 - Liberty or Justice?
55:02 - Peak-X upsets my stomach any advice?
55:59 - ABC with an apricot peach kind like flavor
56:39 - Strict form hammer curls vs
loose form and heavy?
56:50 - When do you take Core ISO?
57:32 - Is test ok to take as a female?
58:25 - My dentist says I need a mouth guard to yours custom?
59:18 - Big Poppa stack best while bulking or
leaning out? Can you use it with Load?
59:46 - My critiques from my last show was to
build bigger chest and denser back...
What exercises would you recommend?
1:00:42 - Any vegan products? Do all your
products contain natural ingredients?
Can all products be taken by a natural
1:02:16 - What is your mood like during a cut for
a show?
1:02:22 - Still on bro splits?
1:03:16 - What brand is the most challenging to
formulate products?
1:04:11 - What do you suggest for people that
get bad gas from Isolate?
1:05:13 - With the Fuzzy Uncle Carl on deck
what would a Meaty Thighs flavor be?
1:05:33 - Bad gas from whey?
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