Episode 29

Published on:

6th Jun 2020

ASK THE BOSS - Episode 29

Time stamp:

15:19 - Can you give your testimony?

31:06 - What helped you develop your arms?

32:37 - Are training Tuesday’s Going to Come Back?

34:03 - have you ever tried melanotan?

35:27 - what do you think of the current

top natural competitors?

37:57 - ETA ABC Sweet tea?

38:48 - Can you take core pump and bolic together?

39:59 - Which direction are you going with the


48:39 - How quickly do you notice difference using

the health stack?

49:03 - Any plans to drop different forms of

creatine in the future?

50:05 - When the piece is small do you let th e

girl know before hand?

51:32 - Best lifting advice when gyms re-open?

52:14 - Most embarrassing thing that has happened

to you and meat at the gym?

53:28 - Regrets?

53:37 - Who is your celebrity crush?

54:17 - What is your favorite position....to sleep?

57:01 - Protein RTD?

58:18 - Shoulder update?

59:12 - What is the weirdest thing any guest has

done at your house?

59:57 - Worst buy 1 get 1 free item of all time?

1:00:18 - Set of items that you can purchase at

the same time to make the cashier


1:01:00 - Can i be a core model?

1:01:44 - Best core stack for lean gainz?

1:01:57 - when will the next podcast with you

and seth feroce happen?

1:03:41 - Who is hotter Donna or Jackie from that

70s show?

1:04:22 - If you can have fingers for toes or toes

for fingers what would you have?

1:04:38 - IF you were going to introduce core or

‘merica to someone what product

would you tell them and what flavor

and why?

1:05:36 - if animals could talk what animal would

be the rudest?

1:06:34 - will core hard be reformulated?

1:07:12 - if gyms would open up next week would

you go?

1:08:45 - how are you keeping up training during

this time period?

1:09:00 - possible to gain muscle and lose fat

at the same time?

1:09:15 - what is your favorite stogie?

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Instagram: @CoreNutritionals @TheNutritionCorners @DougMillerPro

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Team Miller Website: http://www.dougmillerpro.com

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Show artwork for Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe

About the Podcast

Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe
Real questions and real answers from a CEO, owner, founder, and one of the best natural bodybuilders of all time!
Doug Miller is one of the best natural bodybuilders of all time. He has been training for over 20 years and from the start he soon realized that there was a lot of junk supplements in the market so he decided to create his own to make sure he knew what he was taking and the quality! Fast forward he now owns 4 supplement brands, numerous supplement stores, called The Nutrition Corners, and still continues to Crush It in the gym daily!

With that being said, this podcast dives into real questions from fans, supporters, and just curious people on the internet that want to get an insight into Doug's and his co-star Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe's brain. These questions range from specific brand and business questions to general health and fitness questions and can go all the way into personal family questions. The range of topic varies greatly but one thing is for certain it is informative, funny, and even you can participate weekly by following Doug on social media as well as all his brands, specifically Core Nutritionals, and submit your own questions!

Thanks for listening, subscribing, and sharing!

About your host

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Aaron Bunn