ASK THE BOSS - Episode 29
Time stamp:
15:19 - Can you give your testimony?
31:06 - What helped you develop your arms?
32:37 - Are training Tuesday’s Going to Come Back?
34:03 - have you ever tried melanotan?
35:27 - what do you think of the current
top natural competitors?
37:57 - ETA ABC Sweet tea?
38:48 - Can you take core pump and bolic together?
39:59 - Which direction are you going with the
48:39 - How quickly do you notice difference using
the health stack?
49:03 - Any plans to drop different forms of
creatine in the future?
50:05 - When the piece is small do you let th e
girl know before hand?
51:32 - Best lifting advice when gyms re-open?
52:14 - Most embarrassing thing that has happened
to you and meat at the gym?
53:28 - Regrets?
53:37 - Who is your celebrity crush?
54:17 - What is your favorite sleep?
57:01 - Protein RTD?
58:18 - Shoulder update?
59:12 - What is the weirdest thing any guest has
done at your house?
59:57 - Worst buy 1 get 1 free item of all time?
1:00:18 - Set of items that you can purchase at
the same time to make the cashier
1:01:00 - Can i be a core model?
1:01:44 - Best core stack for lean gainz?
1:01:57 - when will the next podcast with you
and seth feroce happen?
1:03:41 - Who is hotter Donna or Jackie from that
70s show?
1:04:22 - If you can have fingers for toes or toes
for fingers what would you have?
1:04:38 - IF you were going to introduce core or
‘merica to someone what product
would you tell them and what flavor
and why?
1:05:36 - if animals could talk what animal would
be the rudest?
1:06:34 - will core hard be reformulated?
1:07:12 - if gyms would open up next week would
you go?
1:08:45 - how are you keeping up training during
this time period?
1:09:00 - possible to gain muscle and lose fat
at the same time?
1:09:15 - what is your favorite stogie?
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