ASK THE BOSS - Episode 30
Time Stamp:
34:48 - What do you recommend doing
if you haven’t worked out for a couple
44:50 - What is your favorite cut of steak and
how do you like it cooked?
47:48 - New Core Commodities release date?
51:23 - What other preworkouts have you tried
during prep besides your own?
51:52 - What is the most carbs you have had
in a preworkout meal?
52:27 - Where do you buy khaki shorts?
53:27 - Greens Product and the probiotics in it?
55:47 - most influential a single person has
said to you?
59:01 - fart every set or cry every time you eat?
59:28 - When gyms open up...stick to warehouse or
go back to the gyms?
1:00:23 - how old do you need to be to become
sponsored or become an ambassador?
1:00:38 - Can I hit up multiple stores for military
1:01:27 - NC HQ update?
1:06:14 - What is dick punch?
1:06:27 - burn x appetite suppressant better than
burn ultra?
1:06:37 - does alcohol kill gains?
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